Monday, September 15, 2008

a love bouquet!!!

To you, my love, these flowers l send,
each one nurtured in my heart for you, my friend.
The day we met the seeds were sown,
now look how beautiful they have grown.

Where once there was a lonely barren field,
a treasure trove of beauty our love did yield.
With your every kind word and loving deed, my friend,
to their hungry growth and beauty you did tend.

So let me send them now to you too, to enjoy
and let us promise never let such beauty die.
Our love and friendship has endured the test of time
and moulded itself into a symphony of poetic rhyme.

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About Me

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Let me introduce myself with these small lines :P --> I Work 4 a cause, not 4 applause. I Live life to express, not to impress. I Don't strive to make my presence noticed, I just make my absence felt..!! Im into all kinda crazy stuff.. name it .. i've done it.. if not ..will be doing it next! :)