Friday, October 24, 2008

some day...

Some Day

I can fly,
I can dream,
I am not just what I seem.
I am strong,
I am weak,
I am bold,
I am meek.
I can flap,
and I can soar,
I am so much more.
So why is it,
You look at me;
But still do not see?
You see what I am,
Not what I could be,
You show no kindness,
Unto me.
So I just sigh,
And look away.
And pray to God,
That maybe.....

To Someone Special

I sit here on this cold night
There’s one bright star in the sky
I wish I could find happiness
But all I can do is cry.

There’s memories of you in my head
There’s loneliness in my heart
I wish my life wasn’t so hard
And that we weren’t so far apart

I miss that fire in your eyes
I miss the way you smile
You took away that empty feeling
and made every thing worthwhile

I love you so much
with all my heart that it hurts
and more than anything in this world
I wish you still loved me
the way I love you....

day by day

Day by Day :

Day by day our lives go on,
As lives usually do.
Yet, sometimes our lives seem to stop
Leaving us confused, scared.
Lives are tricky that way.

Day by day, our lives go on,
As lives usually do.
Yet, sometimes if we're lucky enough,
That special person will walk right in
At just the right time
And brighten it up a bit.
Lives are unpredictable that way.

Day by day, our lives go on,
As lives usually do.
Yet, sometimes in the middle of that
Ordinary life,
Love will bring you a fairy tale....

About Me

My photo
Let me introduce myself with these small lines :P --> I Work 4 a cause, not 4 applause. I Live life to express, not to impress. I Don't strive to make my presence noticed, I just make my absence felt..!! Im into all kinda crazy stuff.. name it .. i've done it.. if not ..will be doing it next! :)